Chamber Of Women In Agribusiness

The Chamber of Women in Agribusiness (CHAWA) is a dynamic and influential organization with about 20,000 membership founded with a dedicated focus on empowering women in Ghana's agribusiness sector. CHAWA is a non-profiitable organization that brings together passionate and ambitious women entrepreneurs, farmers, professionals, and advocates who are committed to driving positive change and promoting genderr equality in the agricultural sector not forgetting the young and Vibrant generation (Gen Z). .

  • CHAWA is indeed happy to be at the forefront of changing the narrative in Ghana, by making a positive contribution to the growth and development of women & youth in agriculture in Ghana.
  • Given the strength of CHAWA, our partnerships and the measurable impacts we have made over the years, we believe that we are ideally placed to develop and execute a youthful Agricultural projects agenda, strategies and initiatives with Donor partners, Government and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, that will contribute to the enhancement, value and visibility of our Agricultural development brand and profile among its key stakeholders in Ghana.
  • We are confident, that, our initiatives will also present a more sustainable approach and the most appropriate innovation, towards the engagement of young women in the National Agriculture revolution which will transform and impact our socio-economic and environment positively.